Hi there,

I successfully renamed one of the columns of the primary key of one of
my tables (it is used in one of the foreign keys, too -- I think, this
is the problem). Unfortunately, the constraint (rule system?) wasn't
updated by "alter table" -- have a look:

  db=# create table blatt_schaeden (
               nummer smallint not null,
               datum date not null,
               typ smallint not null,
               klasse smallint,
               schaden smallint,
               primary key (nummer,datum,typ),
               foreign key (nummer) references blatt,
               foreign key (typ) references blatt_schadenstyp
  db=# alter table blatt_schaeden rename column nummer to blatt_nummer;
  db=# update blatt_schaeden set klasse = 0 where schaden=0;
  ERROR:  constraint <unnamed>: table blatt_schaeden does not have an attribute nummer

Do you consider this as a bug? There are similar items in the TODO
file, related to "alter table add" ...

Thanks for your attention,

postgreSQL 7.0.2, i386 Linux 2.2.15/Redhat-6.something

Ulf Mehlig    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
              Center for Tropical Marine Ecology/ZMT, Bremen, Germany

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