
        cust                    # the table to be altered    yes
        fk_cust_bd_id           # name of the constraint  (see
                             tgconstrname column in pg_trigger)
        (bd_id)         # column in cust to be FK'd to bill_dist
        bill_dist (bd_id);      # specifies the column in bill_dist to use? yes


At 02:26 PM 7/26/00 -0700, Timothy H. Keitt wrote:
>Hmmm... I got it to work, but using a slightly different syntax.  Let me
>see if I understand your example:
>       cust                    # the table to be altered
>       fk_cust_bd_id           # the column in cust to add the constraint?
>       (bd_id)                 # foreign key in bill_dist?
>       bill_dist (bd_id);      # specifies the column in bill_dist to use?
>Oddly, I put the foreign table name in place of fk_cust_bd_id and the
>local column name where you have (bd_id).  It seemed to work.  Is the
>identifier after ADD CONSTRAINT a noop?
>BTW, the problem with the example in the man page is that its impossible
>to tell which identifiers are table names and which are column names and
>which column names go with which table, etc.  The format above (with
>comments) would help a lot.  (Or use identifiers like
>the_table_to_be_altered and so on.)
>mikeo wrote:
>> alter table cust add constraint fk_cust_bd_id foreign key (bd_id)
>>       references bill_dist (bd_id);
>> At 12:57 PM 7/26/00 -0700, Timothy H. Keitt wrote:
>> >Can someone give an example of how to add a foreign key constraint to an
>> >existing table?  (Pgsql and the man page differ and neither syntax seems
>> >to work.)
>> >
>> >I've tried:
>> >
>> >alter table mytable add constraint col foreign key references reftable
>> >
>> >with no luck.
>> >
>> >Tim
>> >
>> >--
>> >Timothy H. Keitt
>> >National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis
>> >735 State Street, Suite 300, Santa Barbara, CA 93101
>> >Phone: 805-892-2519, FAX: 805-892-2510
>> >
>> >
>Timothy H. Keitt
>National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis
>735 State Street, Suite 300, Santa Barbara, CA 93101
>Phone: 805-892-2519, FAX: 805-892-2510

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