On Tue, Jan 08, 2008 at 06:06:43PM +0000, William Temperley wrote:
> Hi
> Does anyone know if there is an 8.2.X windows build that has xml
> support, including the XML datatype and SQL/XML functions such as
> xmlagg and xmlelement?

No, and there won't be in the future.  We don't add features after the
major release.

> I know 8.3 has excellent support for this, however I have a client that
> requires a routing solution using the PGRouting extension, which only works
> on 8.2.X and another client who requires SQL/XML support.

The quickest way through this is probably to port PGRouting to 8.3 and
then standardize on 8.3 as a minimum version.

David Fetter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> http://fetter.org/
Phone: +1 415 235 3778  AIM: dfetter666  Yahoo!: dfetter
Skype: davidfetter      XMPP: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
       choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

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