Hello all,

I'm pulling in a csv file nightly and need to pump in into my db.  My plan
is to pump it into a temp table and then to an update or insert from the
temp table to the real table.  I'm having an issue, however, with the copy.

Here is a my syntax.

COPY cars FROM 'cars04.txt'
            USING DELIMITERS ',' WITH NULL AS '\null';

I'm getting there error:  must be superuser to COPY to or from a file
HINT:  Anyone can COPY to stdout or from stdin. psql's \copy command also
works for anyone. [4]

Ok, fair enough, in theory, I don't want to simply trust the file to have
clean data so will want to put the data into a huge array (php) which I can
clean and then pump into the db.  What is the best way to pump all this data
in without doing inserts?  How can I use stdin?


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