On Tuesday 15 January 2008 21:00, Greg Smith wrote:
> On Wed, 16 Jan 2008, Ivan Sergio Borgonovo wrote:
> > Furthermore I think that developing in such a MySQLish centric way
> > will make MUCH harder to support any other DB not only PostgreSQL and
> > freedom of choice is very important to me.
> Having helped out a bit getting Postnuke working better with PostgreSQL, I
> can tell you that didn't go far until the developers really embraced using
> ADOdb and were targeting >2 engines at once (MS SQL was the other one they
> really worked on).
> The only work I've seen for Drupal with similar focus all involves the PDO
> library, as alluded to in the post you mentioned:
> http://drupal.org/node/134580
> http://edin.no-ip.com/html/?q=code_siren_unofficial_drupal_6_x_database_dri
> The problem with PDO is that it requires PHP5, which means it will be
> years until it's on enough shared hosts etc. that the mainstream Drupal
> version can require it.

There's been a big move in the php community to push people towards php5 (one 
of which was EOL of php4), which has started to pay off.  I'd guess that if 
they wanted to, they could switch to PDO with Drupal 7 and not hurt 
themselves too much. 

Robert Treat
Build A Brighter LAMP :: Linux Apache {middleware} PostgreSQL

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