On Jan 16, 2008 7:19 AM, Russ Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> http://blogs.mysql.com/kaj/sun-acquires-mysql.html/
> What does this mean for Sun's support of Postgres?

I don't see why it should change really, they kind of swim in different waters.

What I do think is interesting is that Sun might actually more fully
open up MySQL than it has been so far.  I.e relax the viral nature of
the connect libs.  Go back to LGPL licensing on them.   Stop trying to
collect licensing fees on an open source database.  Make the money on
consulting instead.

It would also be nice to see them do something to streamline the whole
2^n licensing / build model they currently struggle under.  Taking a
year to fix a fairly innocuous packaging bug, then reintroducing that
bug, then squashing it again is not good.  It would be nice to see
them streamline the development process.  Having 4 or 5 active
development branches is too chaotic.

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