> From: Geoffrey Gowey
> Sounds reasonable, but what one manager answers today is subject to be
> changed by another tomorrow.

The intent is to get out in the open their "official" statement. That in turn 
may create a discussion inside Sun that may not have taken place.

If postgres community does not like the stand, then lobby to change it. Like 
you say, nothing either in time or by individual is forever locked in.

If the postgres community likes it, then be sure to continue to support Sun so 
that they continue in that direction. If they come out with a favorable 
strategy or had a planned strategy but kept it to themselves and postgres 
disses them, then they may take their toys and decide to play in other ways.

But get it out in the open as much as can be done. Simple. Then you know where 
they stand/don't-stand/or remain mute.

Then you can take further action.

Rumors/opinions are just that.

Postgres needs to have an "official spokesman" make a request at a "very 
important top official" that is responsible for the acquisition.


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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