Ok, it seems to be related to a Intel/PPC issue, as Martijn and Tom

So, I copied all files to a PPC, but which runs Linux - don't know if
this is important. Now, it tells me:

"Fatal error: Incorrect checksum on control file"

Any way out of this? Thanks for any advice.

That's the kind of error I'd expect to see if you try to start an
Intel data directory on PPC or vice-versa. You said earlier this was
data from your Intel Mac being reloaded on the same Intel Mac. If
thats the case, put the PPC away before you confuse yourself :-)

As for the real problem (on the same hardware), when you rebuilt
Postgres on your new machine did you change any of the configure
options that MacPorts would have used from what would have been used
previously (I assume they can be overridden)? I don't know if you'd
see exactly the same symptoms you have, but changing settings like
integer datetimes will break things in a similar way.

Here is some input from Martijn:


Well, it's clearly byte-swapped. So whatever the database was running
on it was on a PPC or some other big-endian machine.

The give away is that bytes 16&17 are "20 00" rather than "00
20".  You can check a file with:

$  od -t x1 -j 16 -N 2 < filename
0000020 00 20

That's for Intel, on the file you sent me it's:
0000020 20 00

I don't understand it either, which is why I was wondering if it was
running under some PPC emulation (can you run standard mac software or
do you have to get special Intel versions).

I have no idea how my old postgres config was. I've contacted already [EMAIL PROTECTED] to see if he still has the old .dmgs, which is I think what I used to install postgres with.

Gush, gush, gush....

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

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