On my laptop which I use for development (Windows VISTA), I tried
Postgresql 8.3 RC1.  I ran into one problem... It seems that either
the service is not finding the postgresql.conf file or not paying
attention to the search_path within it.  This worked in all the
previous 8.2.x, 8.1.x I've used.

I defined a search path which contains some of the schemas...

search_path = 'public,dmsif,rawrr,rawadp,quartz'        # schema names

Using pgadmin (also the same result with my application).

Select * from qrtz_fired_triggers
ERROR:  relation "qrtz_fired_triggers" does not exist

select * from quartz.qrtz_fired_triggers
works as expected.

Just to verify the installation the service, is pointing to the
correct data directory.

Any suggestions?

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