Daniel Verite wrote:
        Steve Clark wrote:

any way i have 2 table - A and B.
each table has a key field and if a row is in B it should have a corresponding row in A - but theres
the problem it doesn't for all the rows in B.

So I want to do something like
delete from B where key not in (select key from A order by key);

The problem is there are about 1,000,000 rows in A and 300,000 rows

B. I let the above run
all night and it was still running the next morning. Does anyone have

an idea of a better way.

An outer join is sometimes spectacularly more efficient for this particular kind of query.

I'd suggest you try:

delete from B where key in (select B.key from B left outer join A on A.key=B.key
   where A.key is null)


this runs in about 10 seconds - thanks Daniel.

explain select count(*) from t_event_ack_log where event_log_no in (select t_event_ack_log.event_log_no from t_event_ack_log left outer join t_unit_event_log a on a.event_log_no=t_event_ack_log.event_log_no where a.event_log_no is null); QUERY PLAN
 Aggregate  (cost=128349.56..128349.57 rows=1 width=0)
   ->  Hash Join  (cost=94512.91..126935.36 rows=565681 width=0)
Hash Cond: (public.t_event_ack_log.event_log_no = public.t_event_ack_log.event_log_no) -> Seq Scan on t_event_ack_log (cost=0.00..14759.85 rows=565685 width=4)
         ->  Hash  (cost=92609.85..92609.85 rows=152245 width=4)
-> HashAggregate (cost=91087.40..92609.85 rows=152245 width=4) -> Hash Left Join (cost=57337.95..90380.29 rows=282842 width=4) Hash Cond: (public.t_event_ack_log.event_log_no = a.event_log_no)
                           Filter: (a.event_log_no IS NULL)
-> Seq Scan on t_event_ack_log (cost=0.00..14759.85 rows=565685 width=4) -> Hash (cost=40696.09..40696.09 rows=1014309 width=4) -> Seq Scan on t_unit_event_log a (cost=0.00..40696.09 rows=1014309 width=4)

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