On Monday 04 February 2008 10:48, vincent wrote:
> > Christopher Browne wrote:
> >
> > Personally I'm surprised that the last couple responses seem to center
> > around not being able to make much money off of it. I agree that it
> > would require some time investment, but so did building PG in the first
> > place. Countless people have already sacrificed hours upon hours of
> > their time with no return on their investment except pride in their work
> > and a better overall product for everybody to use. I'm not a talented
> > enough programmer to contribute to the code, but in this way I can do
> > something to give back to the pg community.
> >
> > --
> > Tom Hart
> +1
> It seems there's a stalemate, apparently PgSQL needs to be more popular
> before authors want to write for it, and the public doesn't want to commit
> to a database that has only a handfull of books available.

Just to clarify, the market needs to expand to get publishers on board, not 

Robert Treat
Build A Brighter LAMP :: Linux Apache {middleware} PostgreSQL

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