Gordon wrote:
On Feb 26, 5:26 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Gregory Stark) wrote:
"Norman Peelman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
My options are, as far as I can tell,
1) replace the Database PDO extending class with something else that
provides query results caching in PHP, or
2) get Postgres itself to cache the results of queries to avoid
running them repeatedly during a session.
You might consider looking at memcached. One way to use it would be to have
the PHP application check for the cached object first and use it rather than
do any database queries. Then you can use pgmemcached to allow triggers to
invalidate cached objects whenever the underlying data changes. (Or you could
even just use pl/php to update or invalidate the cached object through the
same code library)

  Gregory Stark
  EnterpriseDB          http://www.enterprisedb.com
  Ask me about EnterpriseDB's Slony Replication support!

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend
The problem is that there is a vast number of redundant queries being
run.  ....  the principle that objects should not depend on a knowledge
of the inner workings of unrelated objects. ....  Results caching would 
eliminate the problem of
the same queries beign run over and over .... The problem is the mechanics of actually implementing this caching.
I'm using prepared statements almost exclusivly throughout the design,
meaning that the PDOStatement class probably needs to be extended
somehow and my Database prepare() .... I can't have been the first person to 
run up against this problem

With memcached, your methods to retrieve data go from "get data from db" to "get data from cache, and on cache miss get from db and leave a copy for the next guy in cache". Updating the data is not much more complicated. I don't see why this doesn't work for you? It won't compromise anything on the encapsulation front you are concerned about, and you can still use your prepared statements for hitting the db, etc.?


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