On 09/03/2008 22:33, Reid Thompson wrote:
On Sun, 2008-03-09 at 19:41 +0000, Raymond O'Donnell wrote:
On 09/03/2008 15:34, Reid Thompson wrote:

you'll also probably have to add the parameter -h
psql defaults to connecting to the local machine unless you tell it otherwise, so this is redundant; though it certainly won't do any harm either.

Not redundent.  Unless something has changed, psql's default connection
method is via unix socket 5432 and this socket does not exist on
windows. The -h is required to have psql connect to the network socket
which is available on windows.

Oh? Well, on my XP laptop, the following -

   psql -U postgres

- connects without problems to the "postgres" database. Of course, there *is* the following line in pg_hba.conf -

  host    all         all          md5

- which was there from installation time.


Raymond O'Donnell, Director of Music, Galway Cathedral, Ireland

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