Kynn Jones wrote:
Hi!  When it comes to programming SQL, my newbie approach is to write my
code in a file test.sql, which I test from within psql by using

  my_db=> \i /some/path/test.sql

...and (once I'm satisfied with the code) copy and paste it to a different
file that has the SQL I've written so far for the project.
I'm not aware of any block comment facility like you desire, though there could easily be one. It'd be handy, for sure. However, most good text editors can do this for you anyway, so if yours can't maybe you need to find a better programmer's editor (emacs, vim, Visual Studio's editor, etc).

Personally I use vim to comment out small blocks. However, this is rarely required as I break my SQL up into logical chunks in separate files. If I need to concatenate a bunch of files I just produce a small file for inclusion with psql's \i command or with the -f option that in turn contains \i commands and often things like a wrapping BEGIN / COMMIT block.

For example, there's a very long sequence of operations I perform while testing some data migration SQL. Each step is in its own SQL file, but I provide a wrapper to make it easier to run the whole lot. Sans documentation and whitespace:

\i truncate.sql
\i pre-fixups.sql
\i editions.sql
\i import_customers.sql
\i import_journal.sql
\i import_checks.sql
\i convert_bookings.sql
DELETE FROM import_info;
INSERT INTO import_info ( import_date, import_timestamp ) VALUES ( current_date, current_timestamp );
\i customer_merge.psql
\i optimise.sql

Each SQL file is (relatively) small and self contained, but I can run the whole process with a simple:

psql -f reimport.sql

or with \i reimport.sql . It's easy to do it step by step in psql, too, examining the state after each step. If someone wants to run it without using psql they can just concatenate the SQL files together in order for the same effect.

If you organise your code well and break it up into sensible module it's a pretty easy way to work, and not too different from how you probably work in other languages.

One thing I find particularly important is to keep my function and trigger definitions in a separate file to schema definitions. The function/trigger file uses CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION and makes sure to DROP TRIGGER ... IF EXISTS before using CREATE TRIGGER - so I can just include it with \i in psql to load the latest function and trigger definitions without having to muck about with the table structure, dumping and reloading data, etc. I just:

$ psql -f schema/customer_functions.sql

... and any changes are applied.

Craig Ringer

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