On Tue, Mar 11, 2008 at 6:47 AM, rrahul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Hi,
>  I am a database professional but have never used Postgre. My client was
>  exploring the posiblity of using Postgre instead of Mysql and wnated to know
>  the comments from the community.
>  I waned you people you post your views on the following comparision points
>  1] Performance
>  2] Scalablity
>  3] community support
>  4] Speed
>  5] ease of use
>  6] robustness

I've used both pgsql and mysql (we prefer postgres, pgsql, or
PostgreSQL, but not postgre...) for quite some time.  My experience
has been that under real production type load that postgresql is the
better database.


the guys at tweakers appear to agree.

I like postgresql's community support, specifically the mailing lists.
 I've gotten answers directly from the guy who wrote the code when
I've had problems in the past, and they're very willing to listen to
users who have reasonable requests for improvements, and some not so
reasonable but useful ones as well.

I would say postgresql is significantly more robust than MySQL.  The
only time I've ever lost data in a pgsql database has been when the OS
stomped on it (think cheap crappy RAID controllers).  PostgreSQL is
designed for 24/7 operation and quite good at it.

For some issues in both mysql and pgsql, take a look at these two links:


Look at which gotchas have been addressed in later versions, and you
can see a pattern.  PostgreSQL gotchas that can affect data
correctness have mostly been stamped out, but there are plenty of
mysql ones that have been there since 3.23 and haven't gone away.

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