Gauthier, Dave wrote:
I have a perl/dbi app that loads my DB with sequential and discrete insert statements. Runs very fast and I’m satisfied with it. Now I have to run the same app from a different site, but loading my local DB. The “one at a time” inserts take too long, probably because of the client/server delays incurred with the remote DB attach. I was thinking of pooling all the data for the insert into arrays and then doing a single array insert, therby cutting down on all the back/forth. But there may be other approaches.

I suggest using COPY instead of INSERT, if all you're doing is adding bulk data to a database.

Again, Perl/DBI, remote attach, Running v8.2.0 on Linux

Version 8.2.6 is the latest release in the 8.2 branch. You really shouldn't be running 8.2.0 anymore.


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