On Mar 19, 2008, at 10:42 PM, brian wrote:

Leon Mergen wrote:
I was wondering, I'm reading that there is no support for foreign keys to inherited (child) tables -- are there any plans on supporting these
in the (near) future, and/or are there any practical workarounds for
this ?

This has worked well for me:

CREATE TABLE child_table (
) INHERITS (parent_table);

ALTER TABLE child_table ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('parent_table_id_seq');

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX child_table_pk ON child_table (id);

Note that it's not necessary to declare an id column for the child.

I think he's talking about foreign keys from a "partitioned table", i.e. a parent and all of its child tables, to another table. That would, at first, sound simple, but scenarios like this make it tricky as something to be handled automatically in a simple way:

Say you have table A that references table B. You then partition table A. Say this carries down the references to table B to each child of table A. You then partition table B. How do you know, or rather how does Postgres know, how to change those foreign keys? It's entirely possible that the partitioning scheme on table B doesn't match that of table C.

One solution (and, probably the most sane that I can think of) is to NOT explicitly carry the foreign keys down to the child tables and, instead, to have the actual foreign key checks follow inheritance chain. However, with just that most people probably wouldn't want that as that could seriously kill performance of even simple write queries. Following that up with making foreign key checks "constraint exclusion aware" could help there but, at this point, you can probably see why a sane implementation of this probably wouldn't be considered low hanging fruit.

For practical workarounds, you can use triggers on your child tables to implement referential integrity checks customized to your particular setup.

Erik Jones

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