Zdeněk Kotala wrote:

1) What type of names do you prefer?

I'd prefer a "pg" program that took as arguments
the command.  So you'd have "pg createdb" instead
of "pg_createdb".

There are many precedents. "cvs update", "git pull"
"apt-get install".

Anyone else like this approach?

Of the choices, though, I prefer (d).

2) How often do you use these tools?

a) every day (e.g. in my cron)
b) one per week
c) one time
d) never

About monthly.  I guess (b) is closest.

3) What name of initdb do you prefer?
---------- --------------------------

a) initdb
b) pg_initdb
c) pg_init
d) pg_ctl -d <dir> init  (replace initdb with pg_ctl new functionality)
e) What is initdb? My start/stop script does it automatically.

pg initdb

Of the choices, though, I guess (d).

4) How do you perform VACUUM?

a) vacuumdb - shell command
b) VACUUM - SQL command
c) autovacuum
d) What is vacuum?

(c) on most databases
(b) on certain databases

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