I would recommend creating rules in your firewall that let Postgres run and
listen on sockets rather than turn off the firewall altogether. (The
firewall rules _may_ not be the problem in your case, but you can still try)

On an orthogonal note, I just disliked the UAC in Vista... For the first
month or so I tried to cope with it, hoping that I'd get used to it, but it
keeps coming in the way so much that I had to finally turn it off... now
life's much easier.

Best regards,

On Tue, Apr 22, 2008 at 5:17 AM, Justin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  this new keyboard has problems, or i can't type ;-) .
>  it should be off not of
> Justin wrote:
> Dirk Verleysen wrote:
> Hi,
> I have been running a Postgres (8.2.4) on a Windows XP for over 3 months.
> Last week this machine died and I bought a new Vista machine today.
> Installed everything on it and a Postgres (8.2.7). The problem is that I
> cannot start the Postgres service. I keep getting the following error:
> FATAL:  could not create any TCP/IP sockets
> Anyone has any idea what I can do ?
> Thanks,
> Dirk
> turn of the firewall

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