Clemens Schwaighofer wrote:
>>> I sometimes have a problem with conversion of encodings eg from UTF-8
>>> tio ShiftJIS:
>>> ERROR:  character 0xf0a0aeb7 of encoding "UTF8" has no
>>> equivalent in "SJIS"
>>> I have no idea what character this is, I cannot view it in my
>>> browser, etc.
>> It translates to Unicode 10BB7, which is not defined.
>> I guess that is not intended; can you guess what the character(s) should be?
> to be honest no idea. its some chinese character, I have no idea how the
> user input this, because this is a japanese page.
> I actually found the carachter, but only my Mac OS X can show it. It
> looks similar to a japanese character used for a name, but how the
> chinese one got selected is a mystery to me ...

Are you sure that your Mac OS X computer interprets the character as

Laurenz Albe

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