
I just recently compiled and installed 8.3.1 on a System that has UTF-8 as the default characterset in the environment. Copied the binaries, run initdb without parameters, the usual stuff.

As you probably are all aware of, this results now in a cluster that will only allow you to create UTF-8 databases. I have read some posts regarding this topic where it is explained that allowing LATIN1 on a cluster initialized with UTF-8 will give you problems anyway etc and you have to use locale=C to be able to create databases with different charactersets.

My question is: Why then is --locale=C not the default for initdb, as I do regard it as a rather big annoyance that a default installation on probably almost any modern linux distribution results in a UTF-8 only cluster, fixable only by dropping all databases, rerun initdb and the reimporting them again.

Apart from that I'd of course like to restate that postgresql is a wonderful software which I like very much.


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