Vitaliyi wrote:
> %openssl x509 -noout -dates -issuer -subject -in postgresql.crt
>  notBefore=May 16 13:55:49 2008 GMT
>  notAfter=Jun 15 13:55:49 2008 GMT
>  issuer= /C=UK/ST=Some-State/L=Kiev/O=0x2A/CN=[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  subject= /C=UK/ST=Some-State/L=Kiev/O=Internet Widgits Pty
>  Ltd/CN=localhost/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  %openssl x509 -noout -dates -issuer -subject -in root.crt
>  notBefore=May 16 13:49:57 2008 GMT
>  notAfter=Jun 15 13:49:57 2008 GMT
>  issuer= /C=UK/ST=Some-State/L=Kiev/O=0x2A/CN=[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  subject= /C=UK/ST=Some-State/L=Kiev/O=0x2A/CN=[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  btw, the same:
> psql: SSL error: sslv3 alert bad certificate
> postgres[29563]: [3-1] LOG:  could not accept SSL connection: no
>  certificate returned

Could you also check the key files with

openssl rsa -in postgresql.key


openssl rsa -in server.key

and server.crt as you did above?

If they are all ok, I don't know what could be causing the error.

All that is obvious from the error message is that the client side
complains that a certificate is not ok (don't know if client, server or CA

One last straw: is it between May 16 and June 15 on both machines involved?

Laurenz Albe

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