I recall I came across similar issue on older (8.1 or 8.2) versions of
PostgreSQL some time ago. DB was pretty small so I dump-restored it
eventually, but it looks like a bug anyway.

I cannot reproduce it at 8.3.


On Mon, Jun 2, 2008 at 7:12 PM, Maxim Boguk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I trying drop old user but got some strange issues:
> template1=# drop USER szhuchkov;
> ERROR:  role "szhuchkov" cannot be dropped because some objects depend on it
> DETAIL:  1 objects in database billing
> 2 objects in database shop
> ok... lets look closer these two DB:
> shop=# drop USER szhuchkov;
> ERROR:  role "szhuchkov" cannot be dropped because some objects depend on it
> DETAIL:  owner of type pg_toast.pg_toast_406750
> owner of type pg_toast.pg_toast_1770195
> 1 objects in database billing
> hm damn strange...
> shop=# SELECT * from pg_user where usename='szhuchkov';
>  usename  | usesysid | usecreatedb | usesuper | usecatupd |  passwd  |
> valuntil |           useconfig
> -----------+----------+-------------+----------+-----------+----------+----------+--------------------------------
>  szhuchkov |    16387 | f           | f        | f         | ******** |
>      | {"search_path=bill, billstat"}
> (1 запись)
> Lets look pg_type for these two types:
> shop=# SELECT typname,typowner from pg_type where typname IN
> ('pg_toast_406750', 'pg_toast_1770195');
>     typname      | typowner
> ------------------+----------
>  pg_toast_1770195 |       10
>  pg_toast_406750  |       10
> (записей: 2)
> owner right (pgsql)
> Lets look db billing:
> billing=# drop USER szhuchkov;
> ERROR:  role "szhuchkov" cannot be dropped because some objects depend on it
> DETAIL:  owner of function vz_vds_ip_add(integer,bigint)
> 2 objects in database shop
> billing=# SELECT proname,proowner from pg_proc where proname like
> '%vz_vds_ip_add%';
>    proname    | proowner
> ---------------+----------
>  vz_vds_ip_add |       10
> (1 запись)
> ok... again right owner... no signs of szhuchkov
> Last test... lets try pg_dumpall -s :
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] /home/mboguk]$ pg_dumpall -s | grep szhuchkov
> CREATE ROLE szhuchkov;
> PASSWORD '*******';
> ALTER ROLE szhuchkov SET search_path TO bill, billstat;
> GRANT bill1c_r TO szhuchkov GRANTED BY pgsql;
> GRANT bill_r TO szhuchkov GRANTED BY pgsql;
> GRANT billexch_r TO szhuchkov GRANTED BY pgsql;
> GRANT billstat_r TO szhuchkov GRANTED BY pgsql;
> GRANT shop_r TO szhuchkov GRANTED BY pgsql;
> GRANT templar_r TO szhuchkov GRANTED BY pgsql;
> Nothing more... so according pg_dumpall szhuchkov also doesnt have any
> active objects in DB.
> In all other sides DB work 24x7 well without any other issues
> (and because 24x7 requirements i cannot stop DB and drop user from single
> user mode).
> Any ideas? or what to check else?
> --
> Maxim Boguk
> --
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