Cyril SCETBON wrote:
> I get the following error :
> postgres=# DROP TABLESPACE IF EXISTS my_tbs;
> ERROR:  tablespace "my_tbs" is not empty
> I've searched in pg_class and I'm not able to find a relation which 
> refers to my_tbs with :
> postgres=# select * from pg_class where reltablespace=100456;
> (0 rows)
> 100456 has been found with :
> /oid2name -s|grep my_tbs
> Any idea ?

You can find the dependent objects with:

SELECT t.relname AS catalog, d.objid AS oid_dependent
FROM pg_catalog.pg_class t JOIN
     pg_catalog.pg_depend d ON (t.oid = d.classid)
WHERE refobjid = 100456;

This will give you a list of system catalog tables and OIDs.
You can find out more about an dependent object by searching
for the OID in the system catalog.

Laurenz Albe

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