

We are in the process of moving our development environment 

to visual studio 2008 and as a part of that process I tried to build  

our postgresql extended UDT in that environment. I ran into typedef 

redefinition error because visual studio 2008 header file crtdefs.h 

typedef  errcode as an int whereas postgres header files (elog.h)

a function by the same name. Following is the error I got:


\\aisak\8.3\include\server\utils/elog.h(105) : error C2365: 'errcode' :
redefinition; previous definition was 'typedef'

        C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio
9.0\VC\INCLUDE\crtdefs.h(548) : see declaration of 'errcode'


Has anyone else run into this? Any ideas how to handle it?





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