Title: WINiPMail Mail
Dear Postgresql

Hi! How are things going? I'm tae young in Korea

I'm writing to ask you a favor.

Now, we are taking a migration testing about Oracle to enterprisedb
(I know, It's not Postgresql issue, but I really want to help anyone about this)

Then we've got some problems on migration.

So, if you can help us, give us your reply.
Install : enterprisedb 8.3 (Postgres Plus Advanced Server)

Test WAS : Tomcat 5.5

Using tool : Migration Studio

1. test db -> Oracle815 : while using migration studio, error occurs

" Error : Protocol violation" ...then migration studion stoping

2. test db -> oracle9 : while using migration studio, problem occurs

[install : euc_kr, create database : euc_kr]

"Error : "UTF8" In enconding there is a character it's not available (GUI mode)"

and desc of table which is a problem table

"Error : In encoding "EUC_KR" there is a character it's not available (Command mode)"

3. Common utility is not operation or make error.

(1) hint option is not apply normally in enterprisedb

example : it should be descending but it make ascending

--> select /*+ index_desc(table_name table_idx) */

user_id, title

from table_name;

(2) when it use substrb, it occur error

example : column type[varchar2](enterprisedb -> character varying) use substrb

data_type(byte_type) is changing

예) insert into table_name (title) values (substrb(?, 1, 60));
:: "error: column "title" is character varying but _expression_ type is bytea"

Those are some problems when we've tested.

Error message came in Korean, and I translated those message into English.

So, if you complicate something or don't understand, please contact me.

We look froward to your favorable reply.

Cordially yours.
P.S : Just I'm wondering
Did you have a similar problem when you get migration issue Postgresql from Oracle??
Tae-Young Yoon
Special business Dept.
Daou Tech Co, Ltd.
Fax : +82 2 3450 4748
DID : +82 2 3450 4858
Mobile : +82 11 1740 7510

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