On Thu, 10 Jul 2008 10:46:53 -0400
Tom Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> This sub-select is non optimizable because you've got an outer
> reference in it, which compels re-evaluating it at every row of
> the outer query. Try recasting as

> explain select i1.brands, i1.name, i1.dataPub, i1.datainserimento
>   from catalog_items i1
>   inner join catalog_brands b1 on upper(i1.brands)=upper(b1.name)
>   where (i1.ItemID, i1.brands) in (
>   select i2.ItemID, i2.brands from catalog_items i2
>     inner join catalog_brands b2 on upper(i2.brands)=upper(b2.name)
>     where
>     i2.dataPub>(now() - interval '8 month') and
> i2.datainserimento>(now() - interval '6 month') order by
> i2.datainserimento desc limit 3);

I came up with this. I'm still curious to know if this could be done
efficiently with just one query.

create table catalog_topbybrands (
                                ItemID bigint not null,
                                Code varchar(32) not null,
                                Name varchar(256) not null,
                                Brands varchar(1024),
                                Authors varchar(1024),
                                ISBN varchar(100),
                                dataInserimento timestamp,
                                dataPub timestamp
create table catalog_topbybrands_working (
                                ItemID bigint not null,
                                Brands varchar(1024),
                                dataInserimento timestamp,
                                dataPub timestamp

create or replace function TopByBrands()
    returns void
     _row catalog_brands%ROWTYPE;
     truncate table catalog_topbybrands;
     truncate table catalog_topbybrands_working;
     insert into catalog_topbybrands_working
      (ItemID, Brands, dataInserimento, dataPub)
      select i.ItemID, i.Brands, dataInserimento, dataPub from
       catalog_items i
       inner join catalog_brands b on upper(b.Name)=upper(i.Brands)
        i.dataPub>(now() - interval '18 month')
        and i.dataInserimento>(now() - interval '8 month')
        and i.dataPub is not null and i.dataInserimento is not null
        order by i.dataInserimento, i.dataPub;
     for _row in (select * from catalog_brands) loop
      insert into catalog_topbybrands
       (ItemID, Code, Name, Brands, Authors, ISBN, dataInserimento, dataPub)
       select i.ItemID, i.Code, i.Name, i.Brands, i.Authors, i.ISBN, 
i.dataInserimento, i.dataPub
       from catalog_topbybrands_working w
       join catalog_items i on i.ItemID=w.ItemID
       where upper(w.Brands)=upper(_row.name)
       order by dataInserimento desc,  dataPub desc limit 3;
     end loop;
    $$ language plpgsql volatile;

just a working prototype. In fact considering that once filtered by
date etc... the temp table is very small it may perform better
avoiding last join in the last insert.

Ivan Sergio Borgonovo

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