On Jul 11, 2008, at 4:24 AM, Richard Huxton wrote:

If you just want to see if a lock has been taken (e.g. SELECT FOR UPDATE) then that shows in pg_locks. If you want details on the actual rows involved, then you probably want "pgrowlocks" mentioned in Appendix F. Additional Supplied Modules.

pg_locks tells you the page/tuple so you can select it with those values. Assuming they are page=132 and tuple=44 and relation=99 you can find the tuple thusly:

select relname from pg_class where oid=99;

then given that relname=mytable,

select * from mytable where ctid='(132,44)';

and there you have the row.

What I need to see is which locks my other queries are waiting on. If pg_locks would show me which process is also blocking on this lock, I'd be a much happier man today (actually, last tuesday, when this was a problem for me to debug something).

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