Tom Lane wrote:
el dorado <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
I'd like to write C-function returning text for using in PG 8.3.3. (WinXP SP2)
For compilation I use MinGW-5.1.4 (gcc 3.4.5),MSYS-1.0.10.

Was the Postgres server you're using built the same way?  I seem to
recall some incompatibilities between MinGW and MSVC builds.

I'd be surprised if there weren't some given how tricky it is to mix different compilers on Windows, where that usually means mixing C runtimes as well. On any platform it's best to stick to the same C runtime for all libraries to be linked into the same process*.

That said, PostgreSQL does appear to use its own allocator for memory passed across library boundaries, and if it doesn't pass any FILE pointers across library boundaries either then that's the worst two problems that arise with a C runtime mismatch taken care of. As far as I know, anyway, and I've had the misfortune to have to dig into it a bit.

It seems like a good idea to use the same version of the same compiler that your version of PostgreSQL was built with anyway. If nothing else, I've only taken a cursory look at the code and have little knowledge about it, so there could well be code paths/uses where memory is malloc()'d in one DLL and freed()'d in another, etc. I'm sure there all sorts of other possible wrinkles, and it'd just be easier to stick with the same compiler. You can download Visual Studio 2005 Express Edition for free from MS.

* Thankfully UNIXes tend to be sane enough to use the same C library across all C compilers installed (and generally stick to one compiler anyway), so most of us are able to avoid this exciting little complication.

Craig Ringer

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