It'd been a couple of years since I wrote a program to convert some random database to PostgreSQL, and it seemed like time to crank out another one. The results, PgDBF, are available under the GPLv3 and downloadable from .

Why yet another program to convert XBase databases in general (and FoxPro in particular) to PostgreSQL? Because the other ones I found were incomplete, complex, slow, or not available on Unix-like systems. We needed something that could run hourly to keep our legacy database in sync with our new production system, and the program we'd been using (XBaseToPg: was a hack on another program that was never meant to be abused that way.

Seriously, PgDBF is fast and simple. I profiled it, optimized, profiled, optimized, and profiled again until I couldn't find anything else to tweak. And yet its speed comes primarily through its simplicity, so it should be very easy to maintain.

Give it a try. It runs on everything Unixy that I had available for testing (including Linux x86, FreeBSD x86-64, and OS X PPC). I'm pretty pleased with how this turned out.
Kirk Strauser

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