David Wilson wrote:
On Mon, Jul 28, 2008 at 1:24 AM, Klint Gore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Try just a single \
> e.g.
> "ge.xls","application/vnd.ms-excel",71168,"\320\317\021\340\241[snip]

Thanks- I did try that, and it at least gave the expected output from
select, but is there a way to verify that it's actually handling it
correctly rather than simply storing the sequence of characters? I'm
not certain how to check the actual byte width of a column within a
row, and I'd *really* rather not be storing 4 bytes for every 1 in the
binary if I can avoid it- this column is already going to be doubling
field width; quadrupling it would give me space headaches I really
don't want to deal with. :)

select length(bytea_field) from table

You could use ||pg_relation_size|(|text|)| or ||pg_total_relation_size|(|text|) |to see how much disk space it takes up.

You can play with the storage settings for the column if you want to try and handle the space better. see alter table set storage.


Klint Gore
Database Manager
Sheep CRC
University of New England
Armidale NSW 2350

Ph: 02 6773 3789 Fax: 02 6773 3266

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