I'm wondering why this index is not used for my query.

This is the index:
CREATE INDEX idx_stat_date_node_type
 ON public.stat
 USING btree
 (date, node, "type");

When quering an exact date, it is used

explain SELECT * FROM public.stat WHERE node = '1010101010' AND date = '2008-01-01'

"Index Scan using idx_stat_date_node_type on stat (cost=0.00..279.38 rows=150 width=146)" " Index Cond: ((date = '2008-01-01'::date) AND ((node)::text = '1010101010'::text))"

But when selecting a date range I get this

explain SELECT * FROM public.stat WHERE node = '1010101010' AND
("date" <= '2008-06-30'::date AND "date" >= '2008-01-01'::date)

"Bitmap Heap Scan on stat  (cost=710.14..179319.44 rows=39174 width=146)"
"  Recheck Cond: ((node)::text = '1010101010'::text)"
"  Filter: ((date <= '2008-06-30'::date) AND (date >= '2008-01-01'::date))"
" -> Bitmap Index Scan on idx_stat_node_id (cost=0.00..710.14 rows=55182 width=0)"
"        Index Cond: ((node)::text = '1010101010'::text)"

How can I change my query so it will use the index ?


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