Well, there were two other copies of postgress running, and at least one
was tying up port 5432, but . . .

I couldn't see them with 'ps' or 'ps -a', netstat did not list them as
using a port, but it did list something as having "Active UNIX domain
sockets," listing the tmp files I had deleted yesterday as the socket
location (it didn't name postmaster with them).  I found it by making my
xterm quit long and running top.  The showed up as being owned by
me.  Now I'm back in business, but I don't understand why they didn't
show up in ps or ps -a.


Travis Bauer | CS Grad Student | IU |www.cs.indiana.edu/~trbauer

On Thu, 31 Aug 2000, Tom Lane wrote:

> Well, the /tmp files are for non-TCP (Unix socket) communication, so
> they're not relevant to this failure.  The postmaster is complaining
> because it can't get ownership of the 5432 TCP port number.  I'm betting
> that you have another postmaster process still hanging around, or else
> (much less likely, but possible) some unrelated program that happens to
> have grabbed onto the 5432 TCP port number.
> Try using 'netstat' to see if 5432 is in use...
>                       regards, tom lane

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