On Wed, 30 Jul 2008, Rob Adams wrote:

Could someone please explain in layman's terms the implications of using a checkpoint_timeout of ~1min as well? Is it a bad idea?

Lowering checkpoint_timeout makes checkpoints more frequent, causing the database to go through WAL segments (at 16MB each) more often. Since those get reused as needed, the peak disk usage footprint of your server shouldn't be any higher. However, churning through that extra disk space and doing the checkpoint bookkeeping so often can cause your server performance to suffer a bit during heavy activity. Make sure to watch what the server looks like under peak load, you may discover that lowering these timeouts so much can cause it to have more trouble keeping up. That's the usual trade-off here; the more often you want to ship useful copies of things to another server, the more processing and particularly disk overhead goes along with that.

* Greg Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.gregsmith.com Baltimore, MD

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