
Yuri Huitron Alvarado wrote:

I'm a newbie and want to startup my just installed postgres :

* 8.3-community
* Solaris 10

it answers that it has to find postgresql.conf but I can't find it anywere
do I have to write it specifying the most basic options?

I cant say much about your package but since it seems to have
a start script (also I remember solaris even had its
own postgres for system purposes?) so what you might need
to do is to find a place where the database should be
and run initdb with the options you need. (man initdb)
This will create the database cluster as well as postgresql.conf
and pg_hba.conf in the datadir.

Usually packages should come with a README or something telling
you about specific setup if you need to do anything special.

Tino Wildenhain

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