On Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 10:32:43AM +0200, Ivan Sergio Borgonovo wrote:
> How can I update catalog_items.Authors
> create table catalog_items(
>   ItemID bigint primary key,
>   Authors varchar(1024)
> );

The type "varchar(1024)" looks a little awkward, wouldn't an unadorned
TEXT be easier? if you explicitly want to limit things to 1024
characters then what you're doing is correct.

> taking results from
> select ia.ItemID, array_accum(trim(' \t]' from a.Name))
>   from catalog_itemauthor ia
>   join catalog_author a on a.AuthorID=ia.AuthorID
>   where a.Name is not null and length(trim(' \t' from a.Name))>1
>   group by ia.ItemID;

UPDATE catalog_items SET authors=array_to_string(x.authors,', ')
  FROM (
    SELECT ia.itemid, array_accum(trim(' \t]' from a.name)) AS authors
    FROM catalog_itemauthor ia
      JOIN catalog_author a ON a.authorid = ia.authorid
    WHERE a.name IS NOT NULL
      AND length(trim(' \t' from a.name))>1
    GROUP BY ia.itemid) x;

is a reasonably direct translation.  Though I may be tempted to use
something more like:

UPDATE catalog_items SET authors=array_to_string(x.authors,', ')
  FROM (
    SELECT ia.itemid, array_accum(a.name) AS authors
    FROM catalog_itemauthor ia, (
      SELECT authorid, trim(' \t' from name) AS name
      FROM catalog_author) a
    WHERE ia.authorid = a.authorid
      AND a.name IS NOT NULL
      AND length(a.name) > 1
    GROUP BY ia.itemid) x;

to ensure that the characters trimmed from the authors' names are


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