Thank you.

I was making it way too over-complicated.

Works perfectly

On 9/1/08 3:39 AM, "hubert depesz lubaczewski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Sun, Aug 31, 2008 at 11:31:32PM -0400, Aaron Burnett wrote:
>> table1 has 25 columns
>> table2 is a subset of table1 (create table2 as select
>> id,field1,field2,field3,field4,field5,field6 from table1) with just 7
>> columns
>> There is a primary key on ID
>> table2 was exported to a CSV, truncated, then the ³cleaned² CSV was
>> re-imported to table2
>> In a nutshell I need to find the difference between the 6 columns in table2
>> vs table1 and update table1, again, with the ID column being the pk.
> update table1 as t1
> set
>     field1 = t2.field1,
>     field2 = t2.field2,
>     field3 = t2.field3,
>     field4 = t2.field4,
>     field5 = t2.field5,
>     field6 = t2.field6
> from
>     table2 t2
> where
> =
>     and (
>         ( t1.field1 is distinct from t2.field1 ) OR
>         ( t1.field2 is distinct from t2.field2 ) OR
>         ( t1.field3 is distinct from t2.field3 ) OR
>         ( t1.field4 is distinct from t2.field4 ) OR
>         ( t1.field5 is distinct from t2.field5 ) OR
>         ( t1.field6 is distinct from t2.field6 )
>     );
> should work.
> Best regards,
> depesz

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