On Mon, Sep 01, 2008 at 10:31:25AM +0200, Thomas Kellerer wrote:
> Scott Marlowe, 31.08.2008 22:44:
>> I think some of it is inertia.  We've always used Oracle, let's
>> just keep on using it.  The more conservative the IT department is,
>> the less likely they are to take chances with new technology.
>> It used to be there was about an 80/20 split between what things
>> you could do with either postgresql or oracle, and the other 20%
>> was oracle only land. I think that number is dropping quickly, and
>> we're into the 1 or 2% club of what Oracle can do that PostgreSQL
>> isn't fast enough for.
> For me (personally) the ratio is more like 70/30,

It's about to increase :)

> because we are making extensive usage of Oracle's windowing
> functions


> (and ability to easily deal with hierarchical data using CONNECT BY). 

It's even more fun with CTEs.

> The lack of windowing functions is a bit frustrating as I'm
> otherwise a big Postgres fan! 

Those will both be fixed, at least to a large degree, in 8.4 :)

David Fetter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> http://fetter.org/
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