Greetings!  A couple of related announcements:

 - You can now use the following URL to become a member of the United
States PostgreSQL Association (PgUS):

Note the special combo rate for PgUS professional membership and
PostgreSQL Conference West (October 10-12) registration;  you can view
a partial list of the West talks here:

 - We are now accepting nominations for PgUS board for the October
2008 elections; please submit nominations to:


I will contact the nominees (to see if they accept the nomination) and
report weekly to pgus-general the list of current nominees.

Nominations will close on September 30th.

Per our bylaws, you'll need to be a member of PgUS to vote.

Please let me know if you have any questions;  get those nominations in ASAP!

---Michael Brewer
Secretary, PgUS

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