Hello all,


I have been playing around with the automated vacuum, but I can't seem
to get it to perform as desired.


My Situation:

I have 15 or so databases that I am deleting all the data in them and
re-importing on a nightly basis.  (Long story here, but basically I
found using the copy command was the fastest way to get the data into
this read-only system from Sql Server 2000.)  A couple of the databases
are small and only take about 15 minutes to copy all the data, but
others are much larger and take 45 minutes or more.  So, I found that
the databases run a lot faster if I perform a full vacuum on them. Duh!
This got me to thinking I should set this up to automatically perform
this vacuum each night after I got done with the import.  Of course I
then figured out that the built in automated vacuums were not based on
time, they were more intelligently based on data change.  I have been
playing with different settings, but can't seem to get the databases to
automatically backup.


My Setup:

Postgres 8.2 w\ postgis ext

Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2


My Settings:

vacuum_cost_delay                                       20

vacuum_cost_limit                                          200

vacuum_cost_page_dirty                            20           disabled

vacuum_cost_page_hit                                1

vacuum_cost_page_miss                             10           disabled

autovacuum                                                       on

autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor         0.02        enabled

autovacuum_analze_threshold                 25           enabled

autovacuum_freeze_max_age                 200,000,000        enabled

autovacuum_naptime                                   120min

autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay           20           enabled

autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit              20           enabled

autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor         0.02        enabled

autovacuum_vacuum_threshold              50           enabled


My Question:

Could someone point me to which settings I should be looking at
(especially if not in the list above) that I should be changing to get
this full vacuum to perform?


Thanks in advance,

Lee Keel


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