--- On Fri, 9/19/08, Yi Zhao <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> From: Yi Zhao <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [GENERAL] how to return the first record from the sorted records 
> which may have duplicated value.
> To: "pgsql-general" <pgsql-general@postgresql.org>
> Date: Friday, September 19, 2008, 8:51 AM
> hi all:
> I have a table with columns(>2) named "query",
> "pop", "dfk".
> what I want is:
> when I do some select, if the column "query" in
> result records have
> duplicate value, I only want the record which have the
> maximum value of
> the "pop".
> for example, the content of table:
> query pop dfk
> -----------------------
> abc    30   1 --max
> foo     20   lk --max
> def     16   kj --max
> foo     15   fk --discard
> abc     10   2 --discard
> bar      8    are --max
> the result should be:
> query pop dfk
> -----------------------
> abc    30   1
> foo     20   lk
> def     16   kj
> bar      8    are
> now, I do it like this(plpgsql)
> ------------------------------------
> declare hq := ''::hstore;
> begin
> for rc in execute 'select * from test order by pop
> desc' loop
>       if not defined(hq, rc.query) then
>               hq := hq || (rc.query => '1')::hstore;
>               return next rc;
>       end if;
> end loop;
> -----------------------------------
> language sql/plpgsql will be ok.
> ps: I try to use "group by" or "max"
> function, because of the
> multi-columns(more than 2), I  failed. 
> thanks,
> any answer is appreciated.
> regards,

this query work for me....

select distinct max(pop),query from test
group by query

please reply your results


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