On October 20th 2007 the first annual PostgreSQL Conference: West
commenced. It was a single day, single room event.

On March 29th and 30th the first annual PostgreSQL Conference: East
commenced. It was a two day, three room event which.

On October 10-12th the second annual PostgreSQL Conference: West will
commence. A three day, three room event with PostgreSQL training, a
code sprint, a Internals track, a web track and multiple talks on high
availability, performance, and community.

The West conference is set to overshadow the East conference as the
most popular conference in the series (until East 09 that is). If you
haven't registered, now is the time. Come and experience what
PostgreSQL is all about. The fun, the education, the technical savvy!
No other database, open source or propreitary has such a vibrant,
diverse and dedicated community as PostgreSQL!

Register here:


See a list of talks here:


And of course, thank you to our sponsors:

Command Prompt: http://www.commandprompt.com/
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com/

Afilias : http://www.afilias.info/
HP: http://www.hp.com/
Xtuple: http://www.xtuple.com/

Emma : http://www.myemma.com/

Continuent : http://www.continuent.com/
Endpoint : http://www.endpoint.com/
OTG : http://www.otg-nc.com/

EFF: http://www.eff.org/
Google: http://www.google.com/

All proceeds from the conference benefit the United States
(PgUS) PostgreSQL Association.

The PostgreSQL Company since 1997: http://www.commandprompt.com/ 
PostgreSQL Community Conference: http://www.postgresqlconference.org/
United States PostgreSQL Association: http://www.postgresql.us/

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