2008/10/23 Steve Atkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> If you don't like it (and this applies to everyone else arguing about it, on
> either side) please do one of these three things:
> 1. "Fix" it locally at your end, as is trivial to do with procmail, amongst
> other approaches, and quit whining about it.
> or
> 2. Quit whining about it.
> or
> 3. Find somewhere else to whine about it and quit whining about it here.
> Cheers,
>  Steve

> On Fri, 17 Oct 2008, Bill Moran wrote:
> > You can resent it or not, but this _is_ a personal thing.  It's personal
> > because you are the only one complaining about it.  Despite the large
> > number of people on this list, I don't see anyone jumping in to defend
> > you.

Personally I am of the view that, as I am on this list principally to
get support from it, and I am quite prepared to submit to the vagaries
and oddities of the list behaviour in pursuit of the answers I might

As such, I am quite prepared to 1) Fix it my end, 2) Quit whining
about it and 3) Find something else to whine about.

However, the point is made by Bill that 'only one person' might feel
that the reply-to configuration could be improved, and I feel
compelled to say that, while I might not be driven to complain about
the list behaviour myself, I do feel that the OP does have a point.

And that's all that I'm going to say on the matter.

- Dave Coventry

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