Hello all.

- postmaster (PostgreSQL) 7.4.5 (Update unviable due to application)
- Solaris 9
- Sun Cluster 3.1.0
- SUNWscPostgreSQL 3.1.0

About 3 times each week, the check_pgs function of the SUNWscPostgreSQL bin/functios file, stops my Postgres database. I enabled the cluster's monitor logs (DEBUG=ALL on etc/config) and found it complains about a time out when manipulating the tables of the Postgres user used for the cluster to test the health of the DB server.

The command it throws is this:

/usr/bin/su - postgres -c /usr/bin/env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:/usr/local/pgsql/lib /usr/bin/env PGPASSWORD=XXXX /usr/bin/env PGDATA=/postgres/data /usr/bin/env PGPORT=5432 /usr/local/pgsql/bin/psql -d sc3_test_database -U scuser -c "truncate sc3_table;insert into sc3_table (sccol) values('hello im there');select * from sc3_table" > /tmp/postgres_server-postgres-tbl-out 2> /tmp/postgres_server-postgres-tbl-err

A minute after the timeout occurs. Postgres.log doesn't show anything (I dont log SQL instructions)

Someone's seen something similar? TIA.

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