Thanks Adrian,

That's perfect!!



Brent Wood
DBA/GIS consultant
NIWA, Wellington
New Zealand
>>> Adrian Klaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 11/08/08 1:49 PM >>>
On Friday 07 November 2008 4:05:08 pm Brent Wood wrote:
> Thanks guys,
> I'm aware of those options, what I was wondering was if there is a more
> generic way, for example the Empress RDBMS allows 'set MSNULLVALUE "NA"',
> and all NULLs will from then on be output as NA.
> The COPY option is closest to a generic setting, but doesn't work with a
> select query, just a table dump.
> I guess something like the following will work from the shell, although it
> is hardly elegant :-)...
> psql -d DB -Atc "select 'xxxx', attr, attr, attr, 'xxxx' from ....;" | sed
> 's/||/|NA|/' | sed 's/xxxx|//' | sed 's/|xxxx//' > data.txt
> Slightly simpler than the case statement approach in Postgres is COALESCE()
> eg:  select COALESCE(attr,'NA') as attr from table;
> but this still needs to be applied to every column in the outout which may
> have nulls. rather than a generic one off setting. A view using COALESCE()
> may be the easiest way for users to have this capability automatically..
> Thanks,
>    Brent Wood

Using psql
lfnw=# \a\t\f ','\pset null 'NA'
Output format is unaligned.
Showing only tuples.
Field separator is ",".
Null display is "NA".
lfnw=# SELECT null,1;

Adrian Klaver

NIWA is the trading name of the National Institute of Water & Atmospheric 
Research Ltd.

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