
I have a problem to find as fast as possible files that are double or
in other words, identical.
Also identifying those files that are not identical.

My approach was to use dir /s and an awk script to convert it to a sql
script to be imported into a table.
That done, I could start issuing queries.

But how to query for files to display a 'left / right view' for each
file that is on multible places ?

I mean this:

This File;Also here

but have only this list:


The reason for this is because I am faced with the problem of ECAD
projects that are copied around
many times and I have to identify what files are here missing and what
files are there.

So a manual approach is as follows:

1)   Identify one file (schematic1.sch) and see, where are copies of
2)   Compare the files of both directories and make a desision about
what files to use further.
3)   Determine conflicts, thus these files can't be copied together
for a cleanup.

Are there any approaches or help ?

This is a very time consuming job and I am searching for any solution
that helps me save time :-)

I know that those problems did not arise when the projects are well
structured and in a version management system. But that isn't here :-)



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