Craig Ringer wrote:
If I reduce maintenance_work_mem
then the database dump/restore is slower but there is less overall
impact on the server.

There could be more impact, rather than less, if it forces a sort that'd
be done in memory out to disk instead. If you have dedicated storage on
separate spindles for disk sorts etc that might be OK, but it doesn't
sound like you do.

Is there some equivalent parameter on the server
to throttle general queries?

As far as I know there is no facility for this within PostgreSQL.

On a Linux (or maybe other UNIX too) machine you can use ionice to tell
the OS I/O scheduler to give that process lower priority for disk access
or rate limit it's disk access. Note that setting the CPU access
priority (`nice' level) will NOT help unless the server is CPU-limited,
and even then probably not much.

Unfortunately I am on a windows platform. Plus I am running windows software raid so there is little tweaking allowed.
It would be unfortunate if all queries
slowed down a bit, but a better outcome than having the entire server
hang for 40 seconds.

Are you sure there isn't a table locking issue involved - something your
batch query is doing that's causing other queries to block until that
transaction commits/rolls back? Check pg_locks:

  SELECT * FROM pg_locks;

Also: Try setting the transaction to readonly before running it, and see
if it succeeds.

  SET transaction_read_only = true;

This is probably a good thing to do anyway, as it *might* help the
database make better decisions.

I didn't even know you could do that! I can do this on a system wide basis for all of my read only queries so I shall see if it makes a difference. I'll check the locking issues but I was under the impression that postgres was excellent for this? One of the reqular, smaller queries does however use the same table so I shall check if this is having a major impact. - If I set them both to read-only then that might have the desired impact? Perhaps this is something arising from the MVCC? If so is that something that can be switched off?

On another point, I tried setting up a scheduled query to force the tables into cache and this had some strange effects... As I mentioned in an earlier post I have multiple databases running on the same server so I ran a select queries for all of them. This speeded up the queries as expected with the cached data. However, two of the databases seemingly refused to speed up - They always seemed to take 30+ seconds (again eating up the machine IO resource). Even if I ran the query-as-a-job on only one of these databases, it didn't seem to speed up. Perhaps there is something wrong with these databases? The explain analyse seems to come back with identical plans on these. Any ideas? (p.s. I am running autovacuum)

Howard Cole

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