- Hello
- I had previous experience with Access and MySQL.


- I am trying to create the equvilant of the following which is a mysql

- Queston 
- But I cannot figure out how to do this is postgresql 

"mysql -u root -p mydb < mydb.dump"

- I was trying to create a test database using the following commands using a
very cliche example . This command works on mySQL and should be part of the
ANSI SQL standard

mydb=# INSERT INTO Customer (Customer_ID,Customer_Name,Customer_Address,Customer_Email)
mydb-# VALUES ('1','Danny Ho','99 Second Ave, Kingswood','[EMAIL PROTECTED]'),
mydb-# ('2','Randal Handel','54 Oxford Road, Cambridge','[EMAIL PROTECTED]')
mydb-# ;

-and I get the following errors : 

ERROR:  parser: parse error at or near ","

Looking forwrd to your feedback.,



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