>     If you watch the speed, you'll see that the insert
> speed is the
> same, but the scan speed is worse (from 32k  to 200).

As I said, I don't know a lot about these things.
But I would like someone to comment on this (so that maybe I will know 

1) I thought the poor insert performance was due to a "locality of access" in 
the index creation, hence I thought that since the timestamp is always 
increasing putting it as first column in the index should give a better insert 
speed, but it didn't: why????

2) I thought that given a query like:

select * from taba where clientid=2 and sensor=4 and timestamp between 
'start_t' and 'end_t'

there shouldn't be a huge difference in speed between an index defined as 
(timestamp, clientid, sensorid) and another one defined as (clientid, sensor, 
timestamp) but I was VERY wrong: it's 1000 times worst. How is it possible???

It's obvious I don't know how multicolumn indexes work...
Can someone explain?

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