On Saturday 29 November 2008, Andrus wrote:
> How to create automated backup script in Gentoo which in every night 3:00
> PM backups one database and sends backup
> with ftp using unique file name?
> In windows I can use scheduler and script
> set FILENAME=%DATE:~8,4%%DATE:~5,2%%DATE:~2,2%MyDbBackup
> pg_dump -Z6 -b -v -f "%FILENAME%.backup" -F c -h localhost -U postgres mydb
> ftp -send -u username -p password  "%FILENAME%.backup" 
> ftp.backupserver.com

Write a shell script that you store someplace you know (i.e. your database 
users home directory)

say you name it: /home/whoever/mybackup.sh

cd /someplace/to/store/backups
pg_dump -Fc -R -O -i -Upostgres mydb > mydb_backup`date +'%Y%m%d'`.sql
[FTP STUFF GOES HERE - see below]

save the file. Do a "chmod 755 /home/whoever/mybackup.sh"

type "crontab -e" being logged in as the user who should run this script 
("whoever" in the example above)
In the edior add a line like
0 3 * * * /home/whoever/mybackup.sh


Now you'd just have to figure out the ftp part, because I use rdist to push 
the copies to a backup machine.


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